An Understory Story

An Understory Story

He Story Her Story Our Story

Poem by Ibrahim Tendera Oroni

This is his story
He perspires to prosper
He is the master of manual work
He pulls the rickety cart
He is the chief Al-Shabaab militia suspect
This is he story

He sits and observes in silence
As the world sings her story
Giving her special attention
Easening her life

Ignoring him
Maybe he story is not sweet for the tongue-
Unlike her story
This is he story
Her story
This is her story
She must fight for her right
Her right is her heart

Her heart is under arrest
Under arrest by the power of He story
He story must acknowledge her story
Her story too needs to be told
To be told and told in a new tone
A new tone that speaks beyond mothering

Mothering, house chores and predominance
Predominance must be deleted in her story
This is her story
Her story must be told and told
Told and told in bold and gold-
Like he story
This is her story


This is our story
We must speak with one voice

A voice that bonds
A voice that speaks for us
A voice that tells he story
A voice that tells her story
A voice that's against he story-her story rivalry
A voice that pronounces with one voice- This is our story

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