Against backlight flight


Against Wrongs Done Me

Poem by Terry Dawson

Against wrongs done me
My spirit raged
Hatred-blinded, I cannot see
That lust for vengeance
Keeps my spirit caged.

Great misfortune I wish upon my foe.
In imaginings I see
Him downfallen; his life blood aflow,
His discomforts all serve
To unleash my spiteful glee

All-demanding becomes my ire,
Unstinting do I spend
To fuel the all-consuming fire,
That feeds the demon, Wroth
That plain forbids an end.

Now unfurls a new design,
Unscripted lines are penned,
Up-ending all cruel schemes of mine -
Death stalks my halls; I fear
For my untimely end.

Spared from death, I behold
Life in different light,
New horizons promise gifts untold;
Sunshine pours like healing balm into
My long, hate-filled dark night.

My heart forgives all, of him
Who earned my enmity
And as by a whim
His dark, all-overshadowing cloud
Is gone and I am free!

Glad, unbound, my soul exalts,
My spirit learns to sing
Unencumbered by past faults,
Constrained no more by baleful hate
the crippled bird takes wing!

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