What Big Eyes You Have

Giant Robber Fly (Promachus leoninus)What Big Eyes You Have
By Lawrence S. Pertillar

If I left it to others,
To have faith and belief in 'my' efforts...
I would still be in the midst,
Of listening to their negativity.
And expressed doubts.
With a making of attempts to convince me,
A road I chose to travel upon...
First needed to be cleared of debris.
Then it should be paved and tested by a decoy,
Just in case overwhelming obstacles...
Appeared unexpectedly to chase me away.
People have a way to introduce fear.
With a depiction of it to make knees quiver and shake.

Somehow their doubts and naysaying stances,
Enhanced my faith to strengthen my determination.
And with motivation and initiative to assist my focus,
A removing of 'their' fears never entered my mind.
To block my ears from whatever I heard at the time,
With my eyes open as wide as possible.

What a surprise.
What big eyes you have.'

And my feet move fast and swift.
Prepared I am too,
To have you witness this.

'Do you know who I am? '

Of course!
You are distraction.

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