
By Atharv Joshi

Deep in the Oceans, down in the seas,
There's a creature hiding beneath the weed.
Also called Boneless Blobs of the Sea,
Coz they have no bones, only Jelly.
With no brain, and no heart,
It has tentacles on an Umbrella.
We just call it a Jellyfish,
A J-elly-Fish!

It is so slimy but you don't touch,
A single sting to kill is enough,
It doesn't like your presence that much,
Its Haemotoxins will make your blood into slush.
It is dangerous, ever so Moody,
Its Neurtoxins will shut down your body.
Found in oceans, corals, atoll,
They say its the Venomous of all

We just call it a Jellyfish,
A J-elly-Fish!

They are the Boneless Blobs of the Sea,
Coz they have no bones, only Jelly.
Found in oceans, corals, atoll,
They say its the Venomous of all.
We just call it a Jellyfish,
A J-elly-Fish!
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